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Surgeon simulator alien code ipad

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Y’know… For those times when your patients’ relationships with their in-laws become so problematic they actually have to seek out medical attention. Z63.1 – Problems in relationship with in-laws (Oh, were you expecting that joke to be about a chicken? Believe it or not, there’s a code for that as well-W61.33)Ħ. Why did the turkey cross the road? Apparently, so he could avenge the deaths of his fallen Thanksgiving kin by unleashing some sharp-beaked justice on humankind. Is it really that hard to believe collisions with various objects will occur? I would imagine that smacking one’s face into a lamppost is but one of the many perils of distracted walking. Just look around these days and you will see scores of people who walk while texting, paying no attention to what’s in front of them. To be perfectly honest, I don’t find this one all that unusual (or even surprising).

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This code was either included for work-related accidents for opera house stage crews… or somebody on the ICD-10 development team had been to see Phantom of the Opera way too many times. Seriously… where are people sleeping? On cliffs? In reality, I imagine most uses of this code probably involve accidents with bunk beds. I don’t know what some people are doing in their sleep, but whatever it is must be dangerous if it results in injury. In this article, we’re going to have a bit of fun by looking at what I consider to be the top ten oddest and most hilarious billing codes in ICD-10.

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Love it or hate it, I think there is one thing everyone can agree on - among the 68,000+ billing codes in ICD-10, there are some pretty weird (and hilarious) things to be found. Some folks were happy to see this finally happen, while others were pretty angry that it was not further delayed.

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